The AMC Synergy range

AMC Synergy Cookware

By now we’ve all been synergised by the AMC Synergy range and it’s growth in popularity since launch. We have received many questions about this range, and wanted to take this opportunity to answer them. You may find this information especially useful if you have not cooked in an AMC Synergy unit yet. 

A detailed article on this range can be found here.

Quality and design

The AMC Synergy range is the exact same quality product as the New Generation, Super Star or any cookware we have previously manufactured in South Africa – 18/10 stainless steel.  



The handles of this range are similar to our Gourmet range in that they stay cool while cooking on the stove. And because they’re made of stainless steel, you can use AMC Synergy in the oven, without the lid of course.

There is a silicone insert under each handle that protects your hands when removing cookware from the oven or when cooking on gas. Silicone won’t melt at the cooking temperatures we use, and can therefore remain intact during oven cooking.  If the silicone inserts become loose during handling or washing, simply insert them again. Replacement inserts are available. 

Cooking Method

Most importantly - nothing changes. Keep on cooking the waterless and fat free method on low to medium temperatures as you have always done with AMC. It’s AMC! We have done just that in the Test Kitchen at AMC Support Centre, and created new recipes like the  spicy all-year chutney, making roti’s, baked chicken spinach & butternut pasta, and a baby potato & parmesan frittata.


Thermocontrol vs Visiotherm® lid knob

You may however need to familiarise with the AMC Synergy Thermocontrol lid knob. It reacts slightly slower than the AMC Visiotherm and we have found that it’s possible to lower your heat even further while cooking. You can read a full article on how to use the Thermocontrol here

However if you or your customers prefer the New Generation Visiotherm®, we have good news. When your customer buys AMC Synergy cookware they have an option to choose whether they want the standard Thermocontrol lid knob or the New Gen Visiotherm at no extra cost. Free. You can include the Visiotherms on the order as a free gift, one for each Synergy unit sold. Easily replace them on the Synergy cookware for your customer by screwing them off and on.

If there are any other AMC questions please send us a mail to

– AMC marketing team