Community Involvement
We believe in our quality cookware and similarly endeavour to improve quality of life. Whether it means supporting local charities, shelters, schools or sport groups. Community involvement needs to begin with our AMC family and then extends beyond our walls. We want quality living, guaranteed for life.
Enabling and uplifting the community around us is very important to AMC as a company as well as for our staff.
At the AMC Support Centre in Century City we have many employees that do charitable work. As a company we support staff with donations or sponsorships with the social projects that they are involved in. These include organisations such as People Living With Cancer, the Haven Night Shelter, Turfhall Cheshire Home as well as sponsorships to raise funds at schools. Over the years we have also come together as a team to prepare meals for homes in need, collect and donate clothing, food and money or to knit blankets for numerous organisations within kilometres from our door.
The AMC Cookware IT division offered their support to the LOFOB and M Training Academy and donated a laptop.

Atlantis Community Involvement
At our factory in Atlantis we support the Orion Organisation in the Finishing Department of our moulded products. The Orion Organisation provides care for the educational, training and therapeutic needs of individuals living with physical, mental, intellectual and neurological disabilities. They also inspire the disabled in their community to reach their full potential by building networks that assist them in becoming employed. We are proud to work in conjunction with such an inspiring company.
Recently the AMC Factory donated an Urn and some cookware to a local children’s playschool when radio station Heart FM shared their needs. The Staff at our Factory also come together often to support local charities and schools in the area.