Getting to know Nazeem Fortune
Nazeem has been selling AMC Cookware since 2007. Despite facing many challenges along the way he continues to push through and make a success of his AMC business.

What has been the highlight of your AMC journey thus far?
There have been so many great moments, but the ones that stand out the most are as a result of the amazing incentives. Thanks to AMC I have visited 10 different countries!
How has selling AMC cookware changed your life?
AMC has allowed me to pay off all my debt and to live comfortably.
How do you constantly manage to reach new customers?
Referrals! I work hard to gain my customer’s loyalty and, once done, I ask them for referrals. My current customers are my best source of new customers.
How do you stay motivated if your sales are low?
I remind myself of the times that I was doing well. If I can do it once, I know I can do it again. I do not let challenges get in the way, I focus on rising above them.
Do you have any words of advice for new recruits?
Be confident and make a strong first impression. Get involved. Participate in meetings - they will guide and motivate you. Use the tools and training provided by AMC and, most importantly, always be respectful and honest.