Sindie Silevana
Sindie Silevana, a Sales Consultant from the Eastern Cape, joined AMC in 2009 to make extra money. And not long after receiving her first commission, she decided to make AMC her full-time career. Here she shares her success story of how AMC changed her life.

I joined AMC in 2009 and at that time life was not easy as a single parent of 2 boys. To make ends meet, I would wake up at 4am to bake pancakes and make sandwiches to sell in government offices, while looking after my 3 year old son. I was then recruited by my cousin and I joined AMC to make extra money. I was shocked when I received my first commission of around R3 400, and decided to focus and sell AMC full-time.
At that stage my children and I lived in a 1 bedroom flat because I couldn't afford rent. My home was vandalised and I owed municipality rates on it which I also could not afford. AMC gave me the opportunity to rebuild my home, pay all the outstanding money to the municipality as well as buy new furniture without needing to apply for a loan.
Through AMC I took my boys out of public schools and was able to send them to private schools. I also paid for my son’s homecoming ceremony with my commission. I have travelled nationally and internationally with AMC. I work flexible hours and this means I have time to watch my son playing sport without asking permission from anyone. And I determine what I earn. AMC has changed my life completely!