Cooking eggs in AMC

6 October 2020 / Posted in Easy meals

Cooking eggs in AMC is not only possible, but really easy too. Many people rely on non-stick pans to cook the trickier things that can stick like eggs and pancakes, but this is not necessary at all. Cooking in your AMC is healthier, easy to clean and so simple.

Cooking eggs in AMC


5 - 10 ml oil

  1. Heat an AMC Chef's Pan over a medium temperature until the Visiotherm® is almost at the first red area (just before it reaches the first red area).
  2. Add oil or butter and spread across the base of the pan. Crack your egg in the pan and reduce heat to lowest setting or turn heat off completely. Cover with lid and cook until eggs are done to your preference -  flipping them if preferred.
  3. If you prefer a crispier edged egg, fry on a medium temperature for a minute or two before turning the heat off.


Tips & Variations

  • Use a similar method to make omelettes but reduce the heat to the lowest setting while cooking the omelette.
  • Use the same method to make scrambled eggs.