When you own AMC, you benefit from our multifunctional cookware. You’re able to cook healthy meals at all times for your family, even during loadshedding. And you can always save electricity when cooking the AMC way.
Cooking with gas
AMC Cookware ensures that you are not left hanging during loadshedding. Our Cookware is designed to function both on gas hobs as well as electric stoves. Manufactured from the highest quality of 18/10 stainless steel with an ‘’Akkutherm’’ base, your AMC can cook at low temperatures saving gas or electricity, and the heat retaining base will keep your food warm once the cooking is done and your power is out.
Wonderbag Wonder
Did you know that your AMC cookware can be placed in a Wonderbag or comfort bag. Combining your AMC with its incredible heat retaining properties with a Wonderbag is perfect during times of loadshedding. You can use it to keep your food warmer for even longer, or once you have cooked in your AMC for 30 minutes, place it on top of a cotton cloth in the wonderbag and your food will continue to slowly cook during the day.
Save Electricity
With the cost of living increasing each month, we need to look at smarter ways to save on costs. Did you know that by cooking the AMC way you’ll save money by using up to 40% less of the electricity usage of your stove. You’ll also spend less on groceries by using less oils and fats during the cooking and you can cook tougher, more expensive cuts of meat and dry legumes in our Speedcooker in a 3rd of the time as regular cookware.