Hot cross bun bread & butter pudding
18 April 2019 / Posted in Sweets
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What's not to love when it comes to warm hot cross buns fresh from the oven. But if you find yourself with slightly less than fresh hot cross buns, turn them into this bread & butter pudding, layered with orange marmalade and baked until golden brown. This recipe is quick and easy to prepare, and great as a sweet treat for the Easter weekend.
Serves 6
6 hot cross buns
50 g butter
100 ml orange marmalade
3 eggs
5 ml vanilla essence
250 ml cream
250 ml milk
- Cut each hot cross bun horizontally into approximately 1 cm thick slices (about 3 slices per bun), butter the slices.
- Layer your buttered hot cross bun slices with orange marmalade in an AMC 20 cm Baking Tin. You should get 3 layers.
- Custard: Using an AMC 20 cm Dome whisk together eggs, vanilla essence, cream and milk until combined.
- Gently pour custard over layered hot cross buns and leave to soak for 30 minutes.
- Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ºC for 25 - 30 minutes until set. Serve warm with your choice of custard, whipped cream or ice cream and fresh berries.
- Substitute marmalade with 8 - 10 marshmallow eggs or 100 g dark chocolate pieces.
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