
AMC offers an Interest Free Credit purchase option via our consultants. Interest Free Credit orders are not currently available for online purchases.

You need to pay a minimum deposit of 5% with the order and you have 15 months to pay. 0% interest is charged, provided the account does not go into arrears. Your order will be delivered once it has been approved and processed. If your order qualifies for a free gift, it will be sent when the full purchase price and any interest charged is paid within the contract period. Orders must qualify as per our credit rules and all required documentation must be submitted with the order. Arrear interest at 2% per month will be charged on any outstanding amounts.


Information required from salaried employees, contract employees or commission earners:
  • Most recent payslip or 1 month latest bank statement - credit will not be granted if the payslip shows any deductions for emolument attachment orders, default judgements or administration/sequestration orders.
Information required from self-employed customers:
  • One month latest bank statement of your own bank account which shows the your income, name, bank name and bank account number.
  • If the you sign a debit order with this bank account, it will enable us to process the order much faster.

Terms & Conditions of an Interest Free Credit Order